Monday, November 19, 2007

It is a fine day at Perth, ND. The ground is white. White enough to make Richard & Emily cringe! Melissa's drama club production "Murder in the Heir" will play Tuesday and Wednesday at the Audi in Cando. Basketball begins with 2 away games... one in Fordville and the other in Cavalier, ND!
Then the music boosters get busy. Emily will be missed when it comes to making up the puppy chow and working at these games, as well as the other 23 hours of the day. Richard got the TV to himself far to much when the volleyball season was on. We all hope that Murder She Wrote doesn't cause too much stress in their home!
Love you. May the pizza ranch's guide you safely home to Texas!

1 comment:

TexasSupreme said...

Thanks for warning us about the "white stuff". We were thinking about turning around and coming back, but I guess that's out (only kidding). We stayed in Mitchell for four nights and today we made it to St. Joseph, MO. That makes two 400 mile driving days, so we are going to slow down the rest of the way. We are a little over half way home. Thank goodness for Pizza Ranches.