Wednesday, December 26, 2007

December 26, 2007

We had a very enjoyable Christmas Day. On Christmas Eve Emily and I went to Rebecca's house and watched the kids open their gifts. Yesterday morning we got a call from Caitlyn at 6:00 telling us that we should come over and watch them opening their Santa gifts. After that we went to Rachel's and watched Miranda and Dominick open their Santa gifts. Christmas afternoon we all had lunch at Rebecca's. We had a good time eating and playing cards. Cindy Moore joined us in the afternoon and stayed the rest of the day. We always enjoy having Cindy spend Christmas with us.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007




Monday, December 24, 2007

December 24, 2007

Well, Christmas is almost here. There has been lots of shopping going on around here. Yesterday Emily took the kids shopping and then took them to Christmas In The Park at Six Flags Over Texas. They didn't get home until about midnight last night and they were all very tired. Today was mostly spent wrapping packages and getting the meal ready for tomorrow.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

December 22, 2007

Yesterday Emily and Rebecca shopped all day long. I stayed at home and cooked barbeque. Today we went to Drew's parents at Denton and had Christmas dinner with them. Thursday night Emily, Drew, Rebecca and Caitlyn went to the All-Sports Banquet at the school. They were all dressed up and Caitlyn had a new dress and shoes.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Merry Christmas, From the Phillips Family

Trevor (15), Travis (almost 12), and Meredith (18) above, and Travis below as a wise man in the church Christmas pageant.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

December 18, 2007

This morning we went out to eat breakfast with Emily's brother Robert and her Aunt Mettie. Afterwards we went to Walmart for a few things and then got home at about 3:30. Tonight Rebecca and Caitlyn have gone to soccer practice and Carly is staying with us.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

December 16, 2007

Last night we went to see Miranda and Dominick perform in the school Musical called Ozapolluza. It was an adaptation of The Wizard of Oz with Miranda playing a Poppy and Fire. Dominick was The Mayor of Munchkinland and one of the Monkeys. They had a dinner before the show that we enjoyed. Rachel was one of the ones responsible for the show and dinner. We attended the dinner and show with Tim and Charlie and Lillie (Tim's mother and Dad). Dominick is the one with the pink top hat and Miranda is the poppy in the middle of the picture. Miranda is on the right in the picture with her friend Raven.

Friday, December 14, 2007

December 14,2007

It rained most of the day today. Tonight we went to Fort Worth to attend Rebecca's graduation ceremony at the Will Rogers Auditorium. She got her Masters of Science in School Counseling. We are very proud of her.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

December 13, 2007

Emily and I went out to eat today since the weather was so nice. We ate at The Cheesecake Factory in Arlington. Afterward, we walked around the mall for a while. We got a call from Larry and Evelyn last night wishing us happy birthday and anniversary. Today we got cards from Larry and Evelyn, Sandra and Floye and Marshall.

I forgot to wish a happy birthday to Brenden yesterday so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRENDEN. And for today, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIRANDA. We love you both.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

December 12, 2007

It was so cold and miserable outside today that Emily and I just remained inside and stayed warm. Rebecca brought us barbeque for supper and we enjoyed that. All the kids called or came by and wished us happy birthday and anniversary. Maybe we will get a chance to go out to eat when the weather gets better.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

December 11, 2007

Yesterday we met Floye and Marshall at Cleburne for lunch. They had been at Dawn and Greg's house and were returning home. Drew went with us and we had a nice visit at The Cotton Patch. Last night Emily went to the basketball games. She said that Miranda's team won their game and that Miranda made 5 points.

Today it is rainy and foggy but the temperature rose considerably overnight. It is now about 65 degrees outside.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

December 8, 2007

We went to the Christmas Parade in Grandview. Carly and Miranda were jumping rope in the parade. Carly is on the right-hand end of the second row and Miranda is on the left side on the same row (fifth from the left).

Friday, December 07, 2007

December 7, 2007

Another nice day in Grandview with a temperature of 80 degrees. Emily has a cold and is not feeling too good. I went and got the truck inspected and filled one of the propane tanks.

Patty sent a picture of little Brenden Richard who will be 1 year old on December 12. I told Patty that it looked like we needed to send him a Beach Boys shirt.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

December 6, 2007

It was a nice warm day here today. Didn't do much but rest. Emily went to pick up the kids from school and went to Cleburne to get some shoes for Carly. Carly had a violin concert tonight at the school and we went with Rebecca and Caitlyn. The kids did a good job and we enjoyed the show. Carly is in the middle with the black dress.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

December 5, 2007 HOME AGAIN

Well after 15,472 miles we have arrived back to where we began last March. It has been a fantastic trip and a good year, but as always it is good to be back home. Drew surprised us by bringing in a couple of loads of gravel for our parking spot. It is level now and we were able to get in without any backing by going out into the pasture and turning around. Rebecca said that the upgrade would probably require them to charge us more rent. I'm just glad that they didn't put in a swimming pool.

We left Cabot, AR on Tuesday morning and traveled to Greenville, TX. Since we couldn't find a good RV park in or around Greenville, we just spent the night in the WalMart parking lot. That way, we were able to just get up this morning and head out without any hooking up. We slept good since we were tired and it didn't get too cold last night. Sheryl, it was difficult, but I got a picture of the clinton library (Arkansas' largest mobile home) just for you.

Here are four of the reasons that we are glad to be home:

Monday, December 03, 2007

December 3, 2007

It was dry by this morning and the sun was shining, but it got pretty cold overnight with the temperature at 28 degrees this morning. I was tired from yesterday and didn't relish the thought of getting up and getting ready to move out this morning. So, we decided to get things together today and be ready to leave in the morning. Also, the wind blew the satellite dish over and broke it so I had do some repair work. I got it fixed so Emily can now watch the Mavericks tonight even though cuban is a jerk (spell check wants me to capitalize his name but I refuse).

We rested today and went to WalMart for a while. Hopefully it won't take much to get ready to leave in the morning. We won't have to leave too early since we will probably only go as far as Texarkana (about 170 miles). We got a GPS so maybe we won't get lost. Note to Larry and Carla: Emily has gone to the barbecue place to get us some ribs to freeze and take with us. I am posting two more pictures of the White family and would like to say one more time what a good time we had visiting with them. Hanna and Haley were Toy Soldiers in the Musical and are on the back row first and second from the left respectively. As a reminder to everyone, if you click on the pictures you can see them full size.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

December 2, 2007

Yesterday we drove into Little Rock and then went to Camping World, Best Buy and Circuit City. We got Emily a new camera that is somewhat smaller than the Panasonic that we now have. Before returning, we ate at Golden Corral.

This morning we went to Mt. Carmel Baptist Church and heard Larry preach from Malachi. We really enjoyed the service and hearing Larry preach again. Larry's sermons are available at the
Mt Carmel Baptist Church website
Click on "CLICK TO LEARN MORE" on the home page to hear the sermons.

After church, we were invited to their house for lunch. Carla and the girls had fixed a really good meal which we enjoyed and then we had time for more visiting. Larry has put Perth, ND on his weather widget on his computer screen and had Perth marked on Google Earth.

It has been raining on and off all day and is raining pretty hard right now. If it dries up tomorrow we will probably leave and head toward home.