Monday, December 03, 2007

December 3, 2007

It was dry by this morning and the sun was shining, but it got pretty cold overnight with the temperature at 28 degrees this morning. I was tired from yesterday and didn't relish the thought of getting up and getting ready to move out this morning. So, we decided to get things together today and be ready to leave in the morning. Also, the wind blew the satellite dish over and broke it so I had do some repair work. I got it fixed so Emily can now watch the Mavericks tonight even though cuban is a jerk (spell check wants me to capitalize his name but I refuse).

We rested today and went to WalMart for a while. Hopefully it won't take much to get ready to leave in the morning. We won't have to leave too early since we will probably only go as far as Texarkana (about 170 miles). We got a GPS so maybe we won't get lost. Note to Larry and Carla: Emily has gone to the barbecue place to get us some ribs to freeze and take with us. I am posting two more pictures of the White family and would like to say one more time what a good time we had visiting with them. Hanna and Haley were Toy Soldiers in the Musical and are on the back row first and second from the left respectively. As a reminder to everyone, if you click on the pictures you can see them full size.

1 comment:

Larry said...

R and E,
I am sorry about your Monday (satellite dish and all). I loved your comments about cuban (notice I didn't capitalize it either). Thanks for the pictures, I have them on my desktop at work. Hope you enjoy your ribs! It was a great visit. Please come again soon!