Wednesday, December 26, 2007

December 26, 2007

We had a very enjoyable Christmas Day. On Christmas Eve Emily and I went to Rebecca's house and watched the kids open their gifts. Yesterday morning we got a call from Caitlyn at 6:00 telling us that we should come over and watch them opening their Santa gifts. After that we went to Rachel's and watched Miranda and Dominick open their Santa gifts. Christmas afternoon we all had lunch at Rebecca's. We had a good time eating and playing cards. Cindy Moore joined us in the afternoon and stayed the rest of the day. We always enjoy having Cindy spend Christmas with us.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007




Monday, December 24, 2007

December 24, 2007

Well, Christmas is almost here. There has been lots of shopping going on around here. Yesterday Emily took the kids shopping and then took them to Christmas In The Park at Six Flags Over Texas. They didn't get home until about midnight last night and they were all very tired. Today was mostly spent wrapping packages and getting the meal ready for tomorrow.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

December 22, 2007

Yesterday Emily and Rebecca shopped all day long. I stayed at home and cooked barbeque. Today we went to Drew's parents at Denton and had Christmas dinner with them. Thursday night Emily, Drew, Rebecca and Caitlyn went to the All-Sports Banquet at the school. They were all dressed up and Caitlyn had a new dress and shoes.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Merry Christmas, From the Phillips Family

Trevor (15), Travis (almost 12), and Meredith (18) above, and Travis below as a wise man in the church Christmas pageant.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

December 18, 2007

This morning we went out to eat breakfast with Emily's brother Robert and her Aunt Mettie. Afterwards we went to Walmart for a few things and then got home at about 3:30. Tonight Rebecca and Caitlyn have gone to soccer practice and Carly is staying with us.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

December 16, 2007

Last night we went to see Miranda and Dominick perform in the school Musical called Ozapolluza. It was an adaptation of The Wizard of Oz with Miranda playing a Poppy and Fire. Dominick was The Mayor of Munchkinland and one of the Monkeys. They had a dinner before the show that we enjoyed. Rachel was one of the ones responsible for the show and dinner. We attended the dinner and show with Tim and Charlie and Lillie (Tim's mother and Dad). Dominick is the one with the pink top hat and Miranda is the poppy in the middle of the picture. Miranda is on the right in the picture with her friend Raven.

Friday, December 14, 2007

December 14,2007

It rained most of the day today. Tonight we went to Fort Worth to attend Rebecca's graduation ceremony at the Will Rogers Auditorium. She got her Masters of Science in School Counseling. We are very proud of her.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

December 13, 2007

Emily and I went out to eat today since the weather was so nice. We ate at The Cheesecake Factory in Arlington. Afterward, we walked around the mall for a while. We got a call from Larry and Evelyn last night wishing us happy birthday and anniversary. Today we got cards from Larry and Evelyn, Sandra and Floye and Marshall.

I forgot to wish a happy birthday to Brenden yesterday so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRENDEN. And for today, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIRANDA. We love you both.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

December 12, 2007

It was so cold and miserable outside today that Emily and I just remained inside and stayed warm. Rebecca brought us barbeque for supper and we enjoyed that. All the kids called or came by and wished us happy birthday and anniversary. Maybe we will get a chance to go out to eat when the weather gets better.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

December 11, 2007

Yesterday we met Floye and Marshall at Cleburne for lunch. They had been at Dawn and Greg's house and were returning home. Drew went with us and we had a nice visit at The Cotton Patch. Last night Emily went to the basketball games. She said that Miranda's team won their game and that Miranda made 5 points.

Today it is rainy and foggy but the temperature rose considerably overnight. It is now about 65 degrees outside.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

December 8, 2007

We went to the Christmas Parade in Grandview. Carly and Miranda were jumping rope in the parade. Carly is on the right-hand end of the second row and Miranda is on the left side on the same row (fifth from the left).

Friday, December 07, 2007

December 7, 2007

Another nice day in Grandview with a temperature of 80 degrees. Emily has a cold and is not feeling too good. I went and got the truck inspected and filled one of the propane tanks.

Patty sent a picture of little Brenden Richard who will be 1 year old on December 12. I told Patty that it looked like we needed to send him a Beach Boys shirt.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

December 6, 2007

It was a nice warm day here today. Didn't do much but rest. Emily went to pick up the kids from school and went to Cleburne to get some shoes for Carly. Carly had a violin concert tonight at the school and we went with Rebecca and Caitlyn. The kids did a good job and we enjoyed the show. Carly is in the middle with the black dress.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

December 5, 2007 HOME AGAIN

Well after 15,472 miles we have arrived back to where we began last March. It has been a fantastic trip and a good year, but as always it is good to be back home. Drew surprised us by bringing in a couple of loads of gravel for our parking spot. It is level now and we were able to get in without any backing by going out into the pasture and turning around. Rebecca said that the upgrade would probably require them to charge us more rent. I'm just glad that they didn't put in a swimming pool.

We left Cabot, AR on Tuesday morning and traveled to Greenville, TX. Since we couldn't find a good RV park in or around Greenville, we just spent the night in the WalMart parking lot. That way, we were able to just get up this morning and head out without any hooking up. We slept good since we were tired and it didn't get too cold last night. Sheryl, it was difficult, but I got a picture of the clinton library (Arkansas' largest mobile home) just for you.

Here are four of the reasons that we are glad to be home:

Monday, December 03, 2007

December 3, 2007

It was dry by this morning and the sun was shining, but it got pretty cold overnight with the temperature at 28 degrees this morning. I was tired from yesterday and didn't relish the thought of getting up and getting ready to move out this morning. So, we decided to get things together today and be ready to leave in the morning. Also, the wind blew the satellite dish over and broke it so I had do some repair work. I got it fixed so Emily can now watch the Mavericks tonight even though cuban is a jerk (spell check wants me to capitalize his name but I refuse).

We rested today and went to WalMart for a while. Hopefully it won't take much to get ready to leave in the morning. We won't have to leave too early since we will probably only go as far as Texarkana (about 170 miles). We got a GPS so maybe we won't get lost. Note to Larry and Carla: Emily has gone to the barbecue place to get us some ribs to freeze and take with us. I am posting two more pictures of the White family and would like to say one more time what a good time we had visiting with them. Hanna and Haley were Toy Soldiers in the Musical and are on the back row first and second from the left respectively. As a reminder to everyone, if you click on the pictures you can see them full size.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

December 2, 2007

Yesterday we drove into Little Rock and then went to Camping World, Best Buy and Circuit City. We got Emily a new camera that is somewhat smaller than the Panasonic that we now have. Before returning, we ate at Golden Corral.

This morning we went to Mt. Carmel Baptist Church and heard Larry preach from Malachi. We really enjoyed the service and hearing Larry preach again. Larry's sermons are available at the
Mt Carmel Baptist Church website
Click on "CLICK TO LEARN MORE" on the home page to hear the sermons.

After church, we were invited to their house for lunch. Carla and the girls had fixed a really good meal which we enjoyed and then we had time for more visiting. Larry has put Perth, ND on his weather widget on his computer screen and had Perth marked on Google Earth.

It has been raining on and off all day and is raining pretty hard right now. If it dries up tomorrow we will probably leave and head toward home.

Friday, November 30, 2007

November 30, 2007

Larry and Carla took us out to eat at noon today. Carla had the day off from school. We went to a really good Barbeque place. After lunch we went back to the trailer and visited until they had to go to pick up Hope. Tonight we went to their house and ate pizza and then went with them to the Christmas Musical at their church. It was very well done with Carla singing a solo and Haley and Hanna dressed up as Toy Soldiers.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

November 29, 2007

We drove over to Conway today to visit with Larry's parents. We had an enjoyable time visiting with Dan and Sue. They don't seem to have changed any since we last saw them 16-17 years ago. They are really swell people.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

November 28,2007

It was a beautiful day in Cabot, AR. The sun was shining and the temperature got into the 60's. Larry came at noon and picked us up and took us out to eat. We had a good meal and a very nice visit. After we ate we rode around Cabot some and then rode by their house and the girl's schools and dropped in to visit Carla at her school during her break period. Tonight we went to Larry's church and ate the wednesday night meal with them. After the meal Larry led the Bible study in the book of Revelation. It was so good to hear Larry teach again after all these years. We are going to stay at least until friday night to see their Christmas Cantata that Carla and the girls are participating in. We got to see Haley and Hanna tonight and they have grown into pretty young ladies. We are so glad that we looked them up and we are really enjoying our time here. We haven't been able to get them all together for a picture yet, but when we do I will publish it here.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

November 27, 2007

Today we traveled from Omaha to Cabot, AR. It took much longer than we anticipated since the road is narrow and winding with lots of uphills and downhills. We found a nice RV park very close to where Larry and Carla live. When we got set up we called Larry and he and Hope came over and visited for a couple of hours. Carla, Hanna and Haley had practice tonight for the musical that they are performing in this weekend. We really enjoyed the visit and look forward to seeing the rest of the family.

Sandra called this afternoon and said that it was 20 below zero in Perth today. Looks like our timing was about perfect.

Here are a few pictures from last winter when Larry and Sidney were in Grandview. Larry is in his natural environment, even in Texas. Larry, Sidney and Richard are standing in front of Willie's home church in Abbott, TX. Larry, Sidney, Emily and Richard playing a game of Golf (woops, it looks like Tic).

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Gloomy day here at Perth.

Sun shined a little bit.

Temperature 34 or so.


Wish you were here.

November 25, 2007

It started raining during the night and was about 34 degrees this morning. When we woke up it was cold, rainy and foggy. We rode in to Harrison, AR and went to WalMart and ate at McDonalds. We plan to stay here for two more days and then go south if the weather clears up as forecast.

Larry and Carla White lived close to Conway, AR when we last heard from them. I Googled Baptist Churches in Arkansas and found a listing of Churches and Pastors. I found Larry's church and sent him an email. This morning early we got a call from Carla. We plan to stop and visit with them when we get down there. We will try to find an RV park close to them.

Saturday, November 24, 2007


I made some slight changes to the blog format, so if anyone has trouble please let me know. I think that the changes should be transparent. I will also start to show links to RV parks that we particularly enjoy.

November 24, 2007

We had a good rest last night in this very secluded quiet park. It only got to about 31 degrees last night. This is a really nice place so we may stay a few nights depending on the weather. It's supposed to be rainy for the next several days so we had rather be sitting somewhere than on the road.

Friday, November 23, 2007

November 23, 2007

Today we left Marshfield and drove south a little ways to Omaha, AR. It was only about an 80 mile trip so we didn't have to leave until 12:30 or so. We stopped by Lamberts Resturant (the "throwed rolls" place) but the wait was going to be an hour and a half so we didn't eat. We are not too far from there so maybe we will go back. We found a nice little campground here on top of a hill with a nice view out our back window. The fireplace picture is from Bass Pro.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


It got down to about 27 last night but we stayed warm. Thanks for the propane, Larry. It is supposed to warm up above freezing today and the sun is trying to come out now. We are going to eat our Thanksgiving lunch at the Country Kitchen that is just around the corner from where we are camped. Dana emailed me a few more pictures of combining that he took. Thanks, Dana.

The RV park owners recommended that we go into Springfield and eat at the Shoney's Thanksgiving Buffet so we went there for our Thanksgiving meal. It was okay, but nothing special. After we ate, we went to Bass Pro Shop but were too full to walk around much so we just sat by the fireplace. Overall we had an enjoyable Thanksgiving Day.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

November 21, 2007

We have decided to stay in Marshfield, MO for a few more days. The front came through here at about noon today and it has already fallen from 62 to 39 degrees. Tonight's forecast is for a low of 28 degrees. It has been misting rain all afternoon with a strong North wind. It's a really good day to just stay in and keep warm.

Emily and I wish everyone reading this a very Happy Thanksgiving Day tomorrow. We know that you all will enjoy your day with family and friends. Everyone should thank God for His blessings this and every year and pray for our military who make our observance of this day possible. There are many (including some of our own citizens) who would take this day away from us if they could. Stay aware and vigilant. He is the only one that can save this country and they want him removed from the government and American life. Our great nation will not stand if we delete HIM from all aspects of our government as the atheists want.

Thanks to Patty for the pictures.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

November 20, 2007

Yesterday we made it to St. Joseph, MO. One night was enough there since they were anticipating sub-freezing weather and were turning the water off. I guess that will be the way to tell if we are far enough south (i.e. the water is left on). We drove to Marshfield, MO today (only about 250 miles) and found a really nice RV Park. We are about 25 miles from Springfield and 65 miles from Branson. The temperatures here are forecast to be okay for the next several days even though it may rain some. We don't mind the rain (or snow for that matter, Sheri) as long as we are sitting still. We may stay here for several days.

Monday, November 19, 2007

It is a fine day at Perth, ND. The ground is white. White enough to make Richard & Emily cringe! Melissa's drama club production "Murder in the Heir" will play Tuesday and Wednesday at the Audi in Cando. Basketball begins with 2 away games... one in Fordville and the other in Cavalier, ND!
Then the music boosters get busy. Emily will be missed when it comes to making up the puppy chow and working at these games, as well as the other 23 hours of the day. Richard got the TV to himself far to much when the volleyball season was on. We all hope that Murder She Wrote doesn't cause too much stress in their home!
Love you. May the pizza ranch's guide you safely home to Texas!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

November 17, 2007

It was another nice day in Mitchell. We went to The Corn Palace and to Cabelas. It looks like it is going to get a little colder tonight. We will probably leave here on Monday or Tuesday.

Friday, November 16, 2007

November 16, 2007


We woke up yesterday morning and it was 11 degrees. Fortunately, we had hitched up the night before and had everything but the TV antenna and the electrical cord disconnected. We had planned to leave by 8:00 but it was 9:00 before we got away. Sheri and Sandra came out and had coffee with Larry, Evelyn, Emily and me so we got to tell them goodbye one last time. It was sad leaving, and they said that they would miss us (but, Sheryl, as Mom used to say, "it'll be a good ole miss".) We were at Perth almost three months and we really enjoyed it. Everyone's hospitality was wonderful even though Evelyn had to do too much cooking.

Last night we made it to Mitchell, SD at about 6:00. It was 408 miles from Perth and we were pretty tired. We found a nice RV park that has 50 amp hookups but with no water. We feel fortunate to have found anything since most of them close in September or October. We stayed warm last night and the temperature this morning was only down to 34 degrees. We will probably stay here two or three days since the weather is supposed to good for awhile. This morning we ate breakfast at Perkins and now Emily has gone to Walmart. The sun is shining brightly and it is 48 degrees outside.

It really feels good to be back where we have telephones that work and we have internet right in the trailer. There is a Walmart and Kmart nearby and the Pizza Ranch is just around the corner. Life is good (but we already knew that).

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

November 14, 2007

Well, it snowed a little last night so we plan to leave early in the morning. The weather reports show a few days of nice weather in the middle of the country so we will try to get a little ways south. We have really enjoyed our stay and already look forward to coming back next year.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Evelyn's first posting

Hi Richard and Emily, We miss you already and you're not even gone.

Sandy's introduction

Richard, Sheri, and I have been playing on the computers today. It's alot of fun. We are also enjoying hot chocolate.

November 13, 2007

Last Saturday, we made lefsa at Sheri and Bill's house. It was a lot of fun and the lefsa was great. Here are a few pictures of our day.