Saturday, December 22, 2007

December 22, 2007

Yesterday Emily and Rebecca shopped all day long. I stayed at home and cooked barbeque. Today we went to Drew's parents at Denton and had Christmas dinner with them. Thursday night Emily, Drew, Rebecca and Caitlyn went to the All-Sports Banquet at the school. They were all dressed up and Caitlyn had a new dress and shoes.


Sheryl said...

Is that handsome young man Colby? Who is the baby? It's such a pleasure to see the pictures. Thank you for posting.

TexasSupreme said...

Yes, that's Colby. The baby is Gracie who belongs to Drew's brother Craig and his wife Laura. Gracie is 4 1/2 months old. I added a couple of more pictures that have Craig, Laura And Drew's Mother and Dad.

Aren't digital cameras great.