Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Cold And Rainy In Grandview

We're still in Grandview and the weather continues to be cold and miserable. We had a good weekend with the kids. We had barbeque at Rebecca's house on Saturday and everyone was there. We played cards and had a good time. Sunday afternoon we all got together again and Rebecca and Rachel both cooked roast and potatoes. We played Chicken-Foot dominos and had a good time. The kids have all gone back to work and school now so we are just by ourselves. The weather is warming up from what it was over the weekend, but it is still cold and dreary. The central heat in the old house has gone out so I have used up all of the available firewood trying to stay warm (my internet is in the old house). I plan to get in the attic this afternoon (if it gets warm enough) and see if I can find out what is wrong with the heater.

I just found a little more firewood, so maybe the heater urgency is reduced. I do enjoy sitting in front of the fireplace with my wireless internet. Listening to Rush streamed live from KPRC in Houston. Life is good.

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