Tuesday, May 22, 2007

May 22, 2007

Yesterday we went for a another ride in the back country. We planned to go to the bat cave that is southwest of Mason but found that it was only open on Thursday through Sunday. The drive to the cave was on a very rough dirt and gravel road where you could only do about 5-10 miles per hour. The scenery was very pretty though. There were several water crossings and we had to cross the James River twice and the Llano River once. When we cross the James River the first time the water was about 12-18 inches deep and running fairly swiftly. Emily was nervous. We made it okay though and ended up driving about 30 miles on the back roads. We saw lots of deer and even two jackrabbits.


Sheryl said...

Beautiful photos! I can't believe you were able to get the jackrabbit to hold still long enough for a picture!

trdib said...

I love the picture of the jackrabbit. It is really cool.